Today I will be discussing “Crittering”! This is a mantrailing word used to describe a dog’s action when they come in contact with the...
High line wires with electromagnetic fields can affect the dog's ability to locate scent. Why?
The following is an interesting article I stumbled across EFFECT OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS AND ELECTRIC FIELDS ON DOG TRACKING By Terry...
National Missing Persons Day
February 3rd marked National Missing Persons Day. I had the opportunity to be a special guest on a blog for
The UAS and our Dog Teams
As drones are quickly becoming part of our everyday lives, dogs are becoming more exposed to them. However now, dog-drone interactions...
Handling your line!
For years now as I have assisted and worked with new handlers, I have requested that they keep their lines tight and off the ground. Now...
Trailing Dogs- getting it right!
Over the course of time as I have worked with Mantrailing dogs it has become obvious that there is more than one way for a dog to be...
Promotional Video
Video has photos of dogs working trails and it provides information to assist with your inquiry needs.
Someone is missing. A search dog can help but Time is of the essence!
I have noticed a wonderful trend lately in the success of dogs assisting in the location of missing persons. Trailing Dogs through out...
Video: Nature has a way of helping a dog that wants to work!
In this short video you get a chance to see Storm work her fist true scent trail. You will see how a dog that has focus and interests in...